A Surreslistic Expressionist Chinese Landcape Paintings Exhibition by Liu Qiu Fu (Po Lau 刘秋甫)
2022-11-21 00:00:00雅昌艺术网
Po Lau (Liu Qiu Fu 刘秋甫) developed and established his Surreslistic Expressionist Chinese landscape painting style by combining an innovative, all-directional perspective with aerial landscapes and the expressionist colour conceptsince the 1970s. Born and raised in Hong Kong with ten years of his childhood spent in China, he learned Chinese painting at the Lai Ching Art Institute, where he graduated. He also studied Impressionist oil painting under the Italian artist Antonio Casadei (born 1923), In 1967, while still a student, Po Lau won the Hong Kong City Hall Art Gallery and Museum's purchase award for Chinese painting. He later went on to earn a Master of Fine Arts degree at the University of Southern California in 1971, where he won the purchase award in the MFA category for abstract oil painting and also studied ceramics with the famous historian Susan Peterson. Following this, he stayed in America and taught art and ceramics at Beverly Hills High School for thirty-some years before his retirement.
His creative practice includes Chinese and Western style paintings, ceramics, Chinese aligaphy, and his inovative "Poligraphy" (a Sinicised pseudo-English aligapy style) and "Reversed-Poligraphy", which creates a new form of Chinese-like characters using pinyin. His book, A Dictionary of Poligraphy (date tbc), provides guidelines on the style of this art form.
Po Lau's online show,“An Exhibition of Surealitic Expressionst Chinese Landscape Paintings .by Liu Qiu Fu (刘秋甫 Po Lau)", will go on display at www.artron.net and his forthcoming website, www.liuqiufu.artron.net, from Nov.21 2022. He can be reached by E-mail at polauart@yahoo.com.
业务合作: 010-80451148 bjb@artron.net 责任编辑: 程立雪010-80451148
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