美国艺评家Bridget R. Cooks解读冯斌及《起舞弄红影》

2022-12-09 09:43:19优壹艺术之旅



文/Bridget R. Cooks



In the encounter, I marvel that I have found someone who, by successive touches, each one successful, unfailing, completes the painting of my hallucination; I am like a gambler whose luck cannot fail, so that his hand unfailingly lands on the little piece which immediately completes the puzzle of his desire. This is a gradual discovery (and a kind of verification) of affinities, complicities, and intimacies which I shall (I imagine) eternally sustain with the other, who is thereby becoming “my other”: I am totally given over to this discovery (I tremble within it), to the point where any intense curiosity for someone encountered is more or less equivalent to love.

— Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse (1978)




In the book A Lover’s Discourse, philosopher Roland Barthes takes as his subject the variety of pleasures, anxieties, disappointments, and longings entangled with love.  His references to literary texts and personal confessions elucidate stages of attraction and fantasy while maintaining an underlying narrative of loneliness and desperation within the self for the other.  It is easy to imagine the intricacies of Barthes discourse while looking at artist Feng Bin’s most recent body of paintings from his Dancing Series. Within it, Feng focuses on the relationship between self and other in a way that contemplates a range of expectations and hopes that each person brings to the coupling. Through paintings of men and women touching in dance, Feng memorializes encounters that would normally be observed as quickly passing movements. His depictions of shadowy figures in undefined backgrounds intensify the volatility of these personal moments and invites viewers to meditate on the affection of strangers. 




Feng depicts most of the couples cropped and in the foreground of his paintings effectively giving the viewer the feeling of also dancing nearby.  This compositional strategy creates a level of familiarity with the dancers as the viewer becomes present as a body relative to the others located in his work. Orbital lights in the black background suggest the translocation from our immediate world to a distant place suggesting the same transport effect of the dance on the imaginations of the dancers. Artificial orange and red colors from the karaoke lights help to construct a sexualized atmosphere and the appearance of passion between the dancers. Reflections spinning around the room from the disco ball above take on planetary formations, and the dancers seem to glide on the edge of the earth. The combination of the dresses, floor length gowns, and shirts fitted and tucked, or loosely hanging over baggy pants suggest the diversity of dancers and their desires at the dance. This weight of desires takes on a blurry, dreamy, watercolor quality in Feng’s paintings.  His saturation of paint on silk brings an inherent structural delicacy to the dancing scenes. 




Feng Bin began painting dancers in 2006 after being inspired by the evening dances that happen in city squares across China. Romantic but not romanticized, Feng’s couples speak to the appearance of lust and love, and the momentary reprieve from urban alienation. The warming effect of the nightclub lights may be in contrast to the actual relationships between the dancers. Though they may appear loving, the dancers are physically and figuratively going through the motions. Their inner desires are not apparent, and their performance through dance may or may not fulfill them. 






Feng’s earlier painting series focuses on Tibetan men, women, and monks. Paintings such as Wind, Wind (1994) show Feng’s interest in purposeful bodies in motion working against the elements to arrive, as well as his high level of skill in rendering the details of the dense layers of the Tibetan women’s heavily patterned clothing. In doing so, Feng captures the tension between the heaviness of the figures and their determination to move in such a way that their journeys become heroic. 


冯斌 ,《风兮风兮》


138cm×132 cm,1994



冯斌, 《新寺》(之一)


83cm×85 cm,1993



In a later series from around 2000, Feng began presenting paintings of Tibetan architecture in a heavily geometric and bright graphic style often with a single cloaked figure hastily rushing by.  The combination highlights the long historical past of the structures, most of which are temples, and the timid isolation of the single figure, which, depicted vaporously, is a reminder of the transience of life. In both series, Feng depicts subject matter that could be observed throughout the past several centuries, however, his selection of colors and style of depicting movement make the paintings quite contemporary. 




Feng’s work is informed by his classical training in traditional Chinese and European painting. He takes these traditions and frees them into renditions of the contemporary body in motion. Given the iconographic trajectory of Feng’s recent career, the Dancing Series is both a departure and a continuum. The spatial context differs from his earlier work, and his interest in the movement of the figure and his or her psychological state has become more developed.



在《舞 十六》(2008年)中,一对舞伴在冷热混合光下跳舞。背景的颜色好像可被随意洗掉,并不具体指向哪里。他的右手温暖着她的纤腰,左手伸出,触碰着她的秀发。他的视线并没有跟其温柔的举动逹成一致,似乎若有所思。至于她,右手或许刚把他放开,放置于半空中。冯斌绘画技巧中那种真实的效果超乎寻常。很难不想象跳舞的人是谁,每一对翩翩起舞的舞伴又有什么故事。他们彼此间究竟是什么关系?他们是陌生人还是长期的恋人?他们彼此说话还是仅仅享受他人身体的温暖?因为舞伴、乐声和灯光而显得心旷神怡,他们可又曾想到别人?冯斌的作品无疑将观众的记忆勾起——一种情绪,一段对话,一个瞬间,一个夜晚——使每个观众与画作联系起来。

In Dance 16 (2008) a couple dances under a mix of hot and cold lights. The background is a loose wash of colors locating them anywhere and nowhere in particular. His right hand warms the small of her back while his left reaches up to touch her hair. He looks away from his tender gesture as if distracted by his thoughts.  Her right hand reaches mid-gesture beside him perhaps just let go from his own. The reality effect of Feng’s painting technique is uncanny. It is difficult not to imagine who the dancers are and what the story is for each swaying couple. What are their relationships to each other? Are they strangers or longtime lovers? Do they speak to each other or merely enjoy the heat of the other’s body? Transported by their dance partner, the sound of the music, and the lights, do they think of someone else? Certainly Feng’s work conjures memories for viewers—a feeling, a conversation, a moment, a night—that makes personal connections with the paintings. 



《舞 之四》(2010年)中的全白背景让视觉趣味集中在跳舞者的构图上。特别值得注意的是男子向前倾以及年轻女子暴露出来的肩膀和脸部的侧影。这一对与世隔绝的舞伴——在缺乏其他人物的衬托以及黑暗让投射在他们身上的桃红色灯影得以进入眼帘的情况下表现出来——突出了他们之间的温情。她的双眼轻轻闭着,看起来像在沉思,显得非常平静。浓重的红色颜料勾划出她的颈项和后背,暗示了她拢着舞伴肩膀、微微向后侧去时的快感和激情。冯斌对色彩的运用近乎表现主义,表现了夜总会舞池的照明设计的同时,也揭示了人物的内在情绪。

The stark white background on Dance 4 (2010) helps to concentrate visual interest on the composition of dancers. Of particular notice is the forward lean of the man and the exposed shoulder and profile of the young woman’s face. The isolation of the couple—shown in the absence of other figures and the darkness that allows the illumination of their pinkish cast to be seen—highlights the warmth between them. With her eyes gently closed she looks thoughtful and calm. The thick red paint that outlines her neck and back suggest both pleasure and heat as she cups her partner’s shoulder and tips slightly backward. Feng’s use of color is nearly expressionist here as it simultaneously represents the lighting design of the club dance floor and reveals the inner emotions of his subjects.



纽约Greenberg Van Doren画廊






The monumental size of one of Feng’s most recent works Dancing in Red Shadows (2010) invites viewers to become part of the dance as they move across the painting to experience it in its entirety. This grand painting presents seven couples each in intense and intimate moments in the manner of a cinematic montage.  Walking slowly from left to right, the viewer can look voyeuristically at each couple, some presented close, and others at a distance. Feng’s meticulous technique of acrylic on silk creates a blurred photorealistic effect which entices viewers to look longer in the hope of seeing details of facial expressions and gathering information that may give insight into the nature of each relationship. The photorealistic quality offers the promise of truth in the details; it heightens viewers’ desire to see where one body ends and the other begins. However, time spent looking at the paintings only reinforces the seduction of the scenes depicted. It does not bring clarity to questions about the brief relationships that Feng has stained so intriguingly. The elegance of the slower dancing from the left edge of the painting seems to speed up as the viewer walks along to the opposite end. Feng’s depictions of the couples compel us to imagine the tempo of the music changing from one song to another. He paints the dark mysterious atmosphere for the dances to the slow songs, and brighter lights on the right side of the painting with a stronger blurred effect for the upbeat dancing. Between the two sides is a couple that mark the transition between this rhythmic change. The tall man’s body reaches from the top to the bottom edge of the canvas. His blurred arm emphasizes the quick motions he makes to the beat of the music. His petite partner nearly stands still as she stares up at him. Perhaps jarred from a lost, sensual dreamlike state of the slow dance, she looks longingly at his face, but he does not seem to notice. 





Consistent throughout each of the dancing paintings are nuances that offer different moods. The large scale of the paintings compels the viewer to linger with the dancers and experience the moments of their perpetual dance.  Their movement made still embodies the potential of fulfillment and missed connections. As Feng explains, “Men and women in cities dance in the melodies they make up for themselves under flittering and glamorous light. They are so close to each other yet so detached. It is just a reflection of the drifting and illusory human souls in modern urban life.”

Bridget R. Cooks(布瑞吉特·库克斯)

Bridget R. Cooks在加州大学欧文分校的艺术史系和非裔美国人研究系任教。她的研究方向是非裔美国人艺术与文化、黑人视觉文化、博物馆批评、电影、女性主义理论和后殖民理论。





Bridget R. Cooks teaches in the Art History and African American Studies departments at the University of California, Irvine. Her research focuses on African American art and culture, Black visual culture, museum criticism, film, feminist theory and post-colonial theory. 

In 2002 she earned her doctorate degree in the Visual and Cultural Studies Program at the University of Rochester. She has received a number of awards, grants and fellowships for her work including the prestigious James A. Porter & David C. Driskell Book Award in African American Art History, and the Henry Luce Dissertation Fellowship in American Art. 

Her many published writings on art can be found in American Studies, Afterimage, Exposure, the International Review of American Art, African American Review, Studies (Center for the Advanced Study of the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.), Pedagogy, and the International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics. 

And she is the author of several published books such as 《Exhibiting Blackness: African Americans and the American Art Museum》{awarded the inaugural James A. Porter & David C. Driskell Book Award in African American Art History (2013)}、《A Historical Perspective of African Americans. Anthology Editor》、《The Art of Richard Mayhew》,etc .

She has also curated some art exhibitions including The Art of Richard Mayhew (2009-10) at San Francisco’s Museum of the African Diaspora;Wavelengths: Abstract Selections from the Paul R. Jones Collection, Paul R. Jones Gallery, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 2012 ;Grafton Tyler Brown: Exploring California (2018) at the Pasadena Museum of California Art;Ernie Barnes: A Retrospective (2019) at the California African American Museum (CAAM);and The Black Index, UC Irvine, Palo Alto Art Center, Black Art Galleries at University of Texas, Austin, and Leubsdorf Gallery, Hunter College, New York 2021—2022.





美仑美术馆·圣之空间, 798艺术区,北京





U1视觉艺术馆 | 上海优壹道文化科技有限公司












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  2. 2 守护诚信 致力传承,雅昌鉴证备案以领
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