
2025-03-07 15:44:40艺术家提供






Q3:为什么选择41cm x 33cm的尺寸,正面,平涂的背景和几乎不变的风格?

童:这个尺寸是等同或略小于真实头像的比例、正面、平涂的背景,在视觉上没有太多张力的。虽然是一直画同一个尺寸、样式、风格,但平时也会有很多的积累,包括从小练书法和学国画,研究生上雕塑课程。除了这个尺寸外偶尔也会画其他大小的肖像。2006年户外写生大风景,4m x 3m,一天一幅,连续画11天。有一贯性,才会有穿透力。虽然看起来是十五年来每天不断地重复,但其实恰好相反,每一张脸都是鲜活的、不可以复制的,每次画的时候都像一次新的历险、一个新的挑战,画面都是丰富的新世界。













童:它不是主流但是超前性,而且是对现在正发生的当代艺术整体反省上的当代作品。 判断一件作品是否有当代性不是看作品的形式和题材、意义,其中很重要的一个标准就是,它对当代的价值有没有发生批判性的关系。这种批判关系和当代艺术上否定和创新是不一样的,这是一种整体反省式的批判、是超越社会的片段、支离破碎、无根、各种危机、各种冲突的。人类天地神人一体性的自觉之力,将可以解决人类自身的矛盾。一种平衡,一种补充。把当代艺术中的各种异化融入化掉,恢复其生命力,给其最初始生命原动力、最完满的精神。它不是在象牙塔之内的,是给人类精神的一种安顿,具有普遍价值。我作品十五年如一日的、如参禅般的面对面的写生,其实就是对这种信息时代、对专利式快餐文化的一种发问。永远同样大小、看起来一样形式的作品按跨越十五年的线性排列在一起的仪式感。




Q1: Could you please tell us what is the final direction of your creation? Do we have a path leading to this state?

A: In fact it is the “ Tao” in “The painting can lead us to Tao.”But the starting point and the destination will still fall on the concrete and realistic life. The place where the thought of Laozi and Zhuangzi start has not put art as its object, “Tao”is the basic motivation for creating the universe. He originally has no intention in art, but has generalized all theseto the art. The most profound requirement of people towards art have been solved in art. It is interlinked with the universe, the satisfactory, self-contained endless state of nature that contains in the innermost of the things.

We have no ways, procedures and methods to get to this state, but it still has several prerequisites. It needs us to put aside the extra, additional, objective prejudices, the understanding of things without analysis, and it requires us to find directly from the current existing things for the things that can finally belong to us. To set aside the desire of egoism, including the desire to recognize and to actively represent. We should use our ears to listen and our hearts to feel. Based on this prerequisite, we can open the obstacles in life and merge with the nature.

Q2: Why the theme that you have chosen in recent fifteen years areall confined within the portrait painting?

A: The western art history is the history of the development of portrait painting. Having developed for so long, what is the possibility of the breakthroughs of the portrait painting? I have chosen this relative challenging theme, to display the spirit of China’s landscape painting by the oil painting. Between the correct, refine and detailed character of the portrait painting and the random of the landscape painting, the things born between the two must have vigorous vitality.

The smaller the room you’ve been squeezed into , the more explosiveness you have. The more limitations, the wider range you have. I’m trying to enrich my experiences, use all kinds of medias, points of view, both traditional and contemporary. All these will make my inner“ field” wider. The status of the contemporary art is to continuously overthrow and renew. To have one and then abandon it. We are open, inclusive and integrate. All the new possibilities will come into this “invariability”. Onlythe “ invariability” has the most penetrating power, and can cut deeperand wider, come to all the changes.

Q3: Why do you choose the size of 41cm* 33cm, the front, the flatpainting background and the invariable style?

A: This size is equal to and maybe a little smaller than the size, front and flat painting background of the real head picture, and it doesn’t have too many tensions visually. Although I’ve been drawing the same size, pattern and style, I still have many accumulations in normal times, including the Chinese calligraphy and the Chinese painting that I’ve learned in my childhood. And I studied sculpture in my postgraduate study. Apart from this size, I will also draw portrait in other sizes. In the 2006 outdoors paint from life, 4m x 3m, I’ve drawn one picture everyday and continued for 11 days. Only do we have the consistency , can we have the force of penetration.

Although it seems that I’ve been repeating for the 15 years, but the fact is just the contrary, every face is vivid and irreplaceable, every time I paint is like a new experience and new challenge, the picture is the rich new world.

Q4: The different portrait of works all have their own detailed characters, and you have used different styles of painting and colors to express them, which may inhibit the picture from showing the transcendence of the integrity. What do you think of this?

A : The transcendence, in fact is the “Tao” we talked in the “The painting can lead way to Tao”. In the heart of many people, the appearance of“ Tao” is an ambiguous and intangible thing. But in fact“ Tao“ grows from the concrete art activities. All the spirits of transcendence come from the visible, smell and touchable detailed figures. That is to say, only in this way can we have the prerequisite and motivation of “harmony”, and transcend in the variability.

According to the change of the character of the model, the reconstructed inner structure of the painting is also changing. It is not only the difference of the styles of painting and the colors of the painting, but also the changes of the inner structure of the integrity. This kind of transcendence is introvert, and not obvious in form. A new face is a new world, which shows the symbiotic relation between the variability and the unity.

Q5: Seeing your painting ,we will always compare them to anotherartist, like Chaim Soutine, Lucian Freud and domestic Liu Xiaodong, whatdo you think of your differences with them?

A: The new form doesn’t have deeper value after the “Artdeath”.I won’t separate myself actively with other artists, because in the  process od separation, you’ve been tramped into the pursuit of another form, and it will no longer be a natural one. To see those former ones in the art history and those separate things together as a unity.

It will not negate any one, but may have huge differences in the core. For example artists like Chaim Soutine and Lucian Freud all concern about the vitality and sub consciousness of the object; Van Gogh and German expressionism artist concern much about the expression of emotion of themselves as the subject of art. In “ Yi”, the subjectivity of people just comes out, and this will lose the spirit of the integrity. The difference between me and them is the relationship between my object and my heart. The vitality of the object and the emotion, heart, hand of the artists that they studied are separate; however for me these three are one. So their vitality is the vitality of the object and my “vitality” is one motivation, the liveliness of the whole picture, and symbiotic relation. This liveliness is a relationship in which the vitality is continuously expanding and fulfilling.

Q6: Do you think there are any differences between a good painterand a commercially successful painter?

A: Surely it has huge differences, and even the contrary. Thefamous painter and the commercially successful painter will have close combination with the status quo of that time; a good painter may have the transcendence of this time and many times will be in the front of the history of the whole thought and even contrary to the mainstream of the time.

The work of a successful artist is always the cognition, reflection and critics of the contemporary time, it is direct, efficient and practical. Of course he will easily have relations with the interest of contemporary art. If you want to be a successful artist, you should have strategy, procedure and work hard, you’ll very likely to achieve a lot. The works of a good painter will notify the inner part of things , and lead to the infinite state of the freedom of spirit, aim at aimless.

Q7: Why do you never emphasized on eyes in your portrait?

A: For example, when the German abstract great master, Olivier Debre came to China in 1998, I took him to the Pan Tianshou memorial hall, he said Pan Tianshou paints very well, and it would be better if he omit the eyes when drawing the eagle. Now this sentence seems to tell us a sense, the eyes in the picture are able to convey the emotions and tell the stories. That is to say the eyes are narrative ,expressive and illustrative. The figure painting of Gu Kaizhi also omit the eyes when he draws the dragon for many years. When painting the eyes we should be aware that after when painted the eyes, the object might be activated.

This “activation” is visible and obvious. The eyes are important, and they are the bridges between the visible and the invisible, and also the intersection between the sky and the earth. The spirit of the eyes of model is the second nature of the model, after being activated it can come into the nature of the people. When the spirit of the model intersect with that of the painter, it will create a world, a integrate, free and random perfect World.

Q8: Some critical curators use your portrait as a inspect of the society, what do you think of this?

A: The things that my portrait want to present are all ambiguous and unavailable. To speak about the society is something very direct and which accept the general public to express their opinions, though all these have no relations with my original intention, but...my portrait is direct, secular, vivid and detailed, and even some people say these peoples are all in the lowest level of life, like the figure often imagined by Laozi and Zhuangzi. Some models said the one I painted was much uglier than them,in fact this is not “ ugly” but an existing truth which is eternal. To break the limitations of hypothesis and the ephemeral beauty of the surface, it will presents an eternal beauty. The real man transcend and emerge in the society, get along with the secular people and society. The models themselves are the integrity of the inseparable real world.

Q9: Why all the figures in your paintings are ambiguous?

A: The ambiguity is the accuracy of Prince Huei's Cook was Cuttingup a Bullock, which exists in the change of the sense of integrity. The sense of integrity is not the formation analysis with clear logic, but the general capture and holding of the ambiguous nature of the things in sport and it is also a certainty. The picture will always present an imperfect and unsaturated state, and in this time it is having a malposed interaction. The interactions will have unified relations. The works will never be certain, saturated, clear, consistent, stable, and it will always in an isolated, expanded and changeable state. Only in this way can it be vivid, and become gradually perfect in the continued growth, finally reach the original world of chaos.

Q10: Are your works traditional or contemporary?

A: It is not the mainstream but it is leading, and it is the contemporary work that reflects on the already happening art integrity. To judge whether work is contemporary or not , we should not see the formation, meaning or theme of the work. A very important standard is to see whether it has critical relations with the contemporary value. This kind of critic relation is different with the negation and creation of the contemporary art, this is a reflective critic of the unity, which has transcended all the segments, crises and conflicts. The inner power of human, sky, earth and the god will solve the conflicts of human themselves, which is a balance and a supplement.

To integrate all the dissimulations in contemporary art, resume its vitality; give it the most original motivation and the fullest spirit. It is not inside the Ivory tower, but a settlement for the human spirit and has the general value. The face-to-face paint from life of me in this 15 years, which is like practicing meditation, in f act I am asking the information age and the potent fast-food culture. The sense of ceremony from the works of the same size and formation, which has crossed the liner arrangement of 15years.












  1. 1 艺术品消费“吃快餐”,远离了傲慢还
  2. 2 守护诚信 致力传承,雅昌鉴证备案以领
  3. 3 央视3·15曝光疯狂的翡翠直播间:古玩
  4. 4 张大千剧迹《仿王希孟千里江山图》睽
  5. 5 “写实主义与超现实主义的对话--孙家
  6. 6 佳士得纽约亚洲艺术周 | 重要大理国铜
  7. 7 Poly-Online丨“春意”上线——中国
  8. 8 XR技术与艺术创作融合的元宇宙虚拟
  9. 9 专稿 | 是什么成就了加埃塔诺·佩谢
  10. 10 艺术号·专栏 | 陈履生:画中的少数




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