朱其林,1980年出生于广西钦州;2006年毕业于中国美术学院视觉艺术学院绘画系油画专业;2009年“自由的气息”联展重庆中国;2010 年黄桷坪第三届艺术节;梦想照进现实—黄桷坪21世纪十年艺术生态年度邀请展;四川美术学院70周年校庆“从黄桷坪到虎溪—青年艺术家联展”;2011年黄桷坪第四届艺术节;桂园当代艺术综合展青岛;
1980 Born in Qinzhou, Guangxi, China.2006 Graduated from China Academy of Art.2009 in chongqing china, freedom artists. 2009 "The free breath" exhibition Chongqing China. 2010 Huangjueping third Festival.2010 According to the dream into reality-- Huangjueping art ecology in twenty-first Century ten years annual Invitational Exhibition.Sichuan fine arts institute 70th anniversary celebration “from huang jue ping to huxi-Group Exhibition of Works”.2011 Huangjueping fourth Festival. Laurel Park contemporary art exhibition Qingdao.