卢伟尧,中国摄影家协会会员、中国艺术摄影学会理事、广东摄影家协会会员“高级会士”、《今日中国摄影系列丛书》编委,2004、2005年被评为“中国优秀摄影家”。1953年10月出生于广东虎门,政治经济学专业研究生。在北京、吉林、内蒙、青海、云南等地创作许多精品,其中《仙景》、《圣境》、《月色下的静谧》、《山村放牧图》、《彩色云南》在中国第11届、12届国际摄影艺术展览风光类分别获铜奖、优秀奖和入选等五个奖项,在国内外大中城市巡展。《东方之珠》、《和平呼唤》、《金沙驼铃》、《秋韵》、《瑞雪兆丰年》、《西城风光》等一批作品在全国、省级比赛中获得一等、银、铜、优秀、入选等奖,许多作品代表中国在加拿大、比利时、菲律宾等国展出,在《中国摄影家杂志》、《今日中国摄影报》、《中国优秀摄影家影集》、《今日中国摄影系列丛书》、《广东摄影家协会》等许多报刊上刊登,数十幅作品被选上中国平遥国际影展。^_^Mr.Lu was born in Humen,Guangdong province in October 1953.With a Postgraduate degree in political economy,he is currently a member ofthe Chinese Photographer Association,Director ofthe Chinese Art Photography Academy,an elite member of Guangdong Photographer Association.He is also an editor ofthe China Today Photography Series and was awarded“china Excellent Photographer”in 2004 and 2005. In the past ten years of his career as a professional photographer,he had received instruction from several senior photography experts and created a lot of wonderful works through his tours to Jilin,InnerMongolia,Beijing,Qinghai and Yunnan.His works,Paradise scenery,Tranquility in the Moon,Grazing Countryside,Cloorful Yunnan,were awarded Bronze Prize,Excellent Prize& Admission Prize respectively in the 11 th International Photography&Art; Expo (sceneries)and were exhibited in different cities worldwide.Oriental Pearl,Call For Peace,Desert&Camel; Bells,Autumn Rhythm,Snow.Covered World, and Scenery of the West and some of his other works have won numerous prizes in various state-level and province-level competitions and contests,form gold prize,silver prize,bronze prize to excellent prize and admission prize.Lots of his works are exhibited overseas in Canada,Belgium,Philippine and published in periodicals like China photography,China Today Photography,China Top Photographer Album,China Today Photography Series,Guangdong Photographer Association,photography Dongguan Photography,etc.