1933年1月生于安徽含山。1950年在苏州美专学习,1954年毕业于中央美术学院,1956年美院研究生结业,1961年至1963年赴列宾绘画、雕刻、建筑学院教师进修、考察结业。中央美术学院研究员、教授。中国雕塑研究所所长。原任全国城市雕塑建设指导委员会代主任,现为顾问。俄罗斯列宾美术学院名誉教授,清华大学美术学院名誉教授,北京市人民政府顾问团顾问。长春、青岛、成都、威海等城市的雕塑顾问。雕塑学会常务理事。 艺术业绩: 多年从事教学和艺术创作、研究。雕塑作品《李白》(中国美术馆收藏、新加坡私人收藏)、《朱自清》、《李大钊》、《梅贻琦》、《和平少女》(合作,立于日本长崎市)、《尼罗河女儿》(立于埃及开罗市)、《五卅惨案》(其稿由中国美术馆收藏)、《源远流长》(瑞典莫拉市政府收藏)、《诗情画意》(法国蒙特勒依市收藏)。 创作水墨画近200幅。在中央美院、中国美术馆、金台艺术馆分别举办“中国艺术展”、“水墨画展”、“雕塑艺术展”等。学术论文九十余篇,发表于全国各大报刊、书籍。雕塑作品广泛发表、参展。电视台多次播放。其中,有些作品在全国和北京市获奖。《最后的岁月》参加第六届全国美展并获奖。1999年出版《王克庆作品集》。在艺术活动中,曾多次参加全国美展、雕塑展的评选工作,任评委。1974年任组长率队赴藏进行西藏大型泥塑《农奴愤》的创作,作品得到新华社及各大报纸、电视台广泛报道,在国内外激起强烈反响,给予很高评价,在北京举办了《农奴愤》泥塑照片和稿子的专题展览。1985年出席第四届美代会,为正式代表。1955年荣获北京市公安局三等功。1959年荣获北京市文教先进工作者,1976年荣获毛主席纪念堂先进工作者。2002年荣获俄罗斯文化部授予的普希金文化艺术勋章。曾去朝鲜、日本、瑞典、美国和我国台湾地区进行学术交流。在1996年参加美国波士顿国际雕塑会议作学术报告,题为《中国现代雕塑艺术的发展》,受到热烈欢迎。享受政府特殊津贴。Born in Hanshan of Anhui in January 1933. Studied in Suzhou Fine Arts College in 1950; graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1954; completed the graduate courses in Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1956; engaged in the teacher’s advanced studies and investigation in Repin State Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture from 1961 to 1963. Researcher and Professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts. China Sculpture Institute Director. Now Consultant, Honorary Professor of Russia Repin Fine Arts Institute and Tsinghua University Academy of Art; Consultant of Beijing Municipal People’s Government Advisory Group. Urban Sculpture Consultant of Changchun, Qingdao, Chengdu and Weihai. Standing Director of Sculpture Society. Artistic achievements: Engaged in teaching and artistic creation and research for many years. His sculpture works: “Li Bai” (collected by the Chinese Art Gallery and a private in Singapore), “Zhu Ziqing”, “Li Dazhao”, “Mei Yiqi”, “Peace Girl” (collaborated, erected in Nagasaki, Japan), “Daughter of the Nile” (erected in Cairo, Egypt), “May 30 Movement” (its manuscript is collected by the Chinese Art Gallery), “of Long Standing” (collected by Mora Municipal Government of Sweden), “Poetry and Motion) (collected by Montreuil in France). Created nearly 200 wash paintings. Held “Chinese Fine Arts Exhibition”, “Wash Painting Exhibition” and “Sculpture Art Exhibition” respectively in Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Chinese Art Gallery and Jintai Art Museum. Over ninety research papers published in all big newspapers and periodicals as well as books in China. Sculpture works were widely published and participated in exhibitions. Played many times by TV stations. Some works won prizes in the whole country and Beijing. “The Last Years” participated in the National Sixth Art Exhibition and was awarded. Published “Works Collection of Wang Keqing” in 1999. Participated in the appraisal work and served as jury of national art exhibition and sculpture exhibition for many times in his artistic activities. As the leader, led a group to Tibet for the creation of the large clay sculpture named “Serf’s Anger” in 1974, the work was widely reported by newspapers of the Xinhua News Agency and TV stations, arousing strong repercussions both at home and abroad. The work was highly evaluated, and a special exhibition of the clay picture and manuscript of “Serf’s Anger” was held in Beijing. Attended the Fourth National Arts & Crafts Handicraftsman Congress in 1985 as a formal representative. Awarded a third-class merit by Beijing Public Security Bureau in 1955. Honored as “the advanced worker in Beijing” in 1959; and honored as “the advanced worker of Chairman Mao Memorial Hall” in 1976. Awarded Pushkin Culture and Art Medal by Russia Ministry of Culture in 2002, has been to North Korea, Japan, Sweden, Taiwan and the United States for academic exchange, attended America Boston International Sculpture Conference and gave an academic report entitled “the Development of China Modern Sculpture Art” in 1996, enjoying warm welcome. Granted a Special Allowance from the State Council.