1988年出生于湖北省宜昌市,2010年毕业于湖北美术学院油画系获得艺术学士学位,2017年毕业于Savannah College of Art and Design 绘画系获得艺术硕士学位。 现为自由艺术家。
Sheng Wang imagines a moment when humanity is usurped by its own technology. Drawn from his lifelong obsession with video games, his artwork investigates the medium as an expansion of the physical world, reflecting on the persuasive power of simulated reality to shape facets of his life. The pleasure, addiction and level of achievement that rewards players provide the conceptual framework for his paintings. Wang, born in Yichang, China, earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from Savannah College of Art and Design, in 2017. He has exhibited his work in the U.S. and China.