
  姜杰,1984年7月毕业于北京市工艺美校特种工艺专业,1991年7月自北京中央美术学院雕塑系毕业后就职于本院雕塑创作室,1995年中央美院研究生。现为中央美院雕塑系副教授,研究生导师。个展:2003年在加拿大多伦多雕塑公园举办个人作品展。1998年在日本东京Base画廊举办个人作品展。1994年在北京中央美术学院画廊举办名为《临界点》的个人作品展。联展:2005年,横滨三年展,日本。2005年,成都双年展,四川成都。2004年,中国 想象 当代艺术展。法国。2004 年“亚洲交通”当代艺术 巡回展。澳大利亚 2004“里里外外”中国当代艺术展。***计划。法国。 2004年,中国当代艺术巡回展览,波兰比得哥熙市政厅画廊,西班牙马卡略。2003年,中国当代艺术巡展,意大利罗马当代艺术博物馆,匈牙利布达佩斯路德维格博物馆。2002中国当代艺术三年展,广州广东省博物馆。1995年,第六届小型雕塑三年展,德国斯图加特,奥地利维也纳,台北,香港,韩国汉城。1995年,文化对话—第二届构型展,德国费希马克特埃尔福特画廊。收藏:新加坡国家博物馆、日本福冈美术馆、广州美术馆、北京东方广场等艺术机构和私人收藏。 ^_^   JiangJie(1963- )Associate Professor and Graduate Advisor, Department of Sculpture, Central Academy of Fine Arts. Graduated from the Arts and Crafts school of Beijing in 1984, specializing in special crafts. Graduated with Bachelor’s Degree in Sculpture from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1991 and worked in the Studio of Sculpture since graduation. Received Master’s Degree from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1995, specializing in sculpture. Solo exhibitions: 2003- Solo exhibition at the Toronto Sculpture Garden, Canada; 1998- Solo Exhibition, Base Gallery, Tokyo, Japan; 1994- “Critical Point”, Solo Exhibition, Gallery of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing. Joint Exhibitions: Yokohama Triennial, Japan; Chengdu Biennial, Chengdu, Sichuan; 2004- “China, Imagination” Contemporary Art Exhibition, France; “Asian Transpor-tation”, Contemporary Art Itinerant Exhibition, Australia; “In and Out” Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition, Project Long March, France; Contemporary Chinese Art Itinerant Exhibition, Bydgoska City Council Gallery, Poland. 2003- Contemporary Chinese Art Itinerant Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome, Italy and Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary. 2002- Contemporary Chinese Art Itinerant Exhibition Triennial, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou. 1995- The 6th Triennale der Kleinplastik, Stuttgart, Germany, continued in Vienna, Taipei, Hong Kong and Seoul; Configura 2-Dialogue of Cultures, Galerie am Fischmarkt Erfurt, Germany. Works have been collected by Singapore National Museum, Fukuoka Art Gallery in Japan, Guangzhou Art Museum, Beijing Oriental Plaza and private collectors. (Lot 324)
