1955 年出生于内蒙赤峰巴林左旗,1970 年参加工作。毕业于辽宁商校及中国人民***大学。历任巴林左旗公安局副局长、***,政法委副书记,工商与物价局局长,旗人民政府副旗长,人大常委会副主任等职。中国摄影家协会会员、内蒙古自治区摄影家协会会员、赤峰市摄影家协会理事。近些年来,马俊利用业余时间精心研究摄影理论,并不断进行实践和辛勤创作,收获颇丰。其作品构图严谨、光影瑰丽、寓意深刻,充分体现了作者对自然的领悟和对生活的热爱。几年来在《中国摄影报》、《数码摄影》、《精品摄影解读》等报刊书籍上发表了数十幅作品,其中《哺育》、《天堂草原》、《渔舟唱晚》等多幅作品在国内外摄影赛事上获得大奖。 Ma Jun was born in 1955 in Balin Left Borough,and started his career in 1970. He was graduated from Liaoning Business School and then China People’s Police Officer University. He,successively,occupied the positions as deputy director general of Public Security Bureau of Balin Left Borough,the commissar of the bureau,the vice secretary of Politics and Laws Commission of the bureau,the head of local Industrial and Commercial Bureau,the deputy governor of People's Government of the borough,the vice director of Standing Committee of local People’s Congress. He is a member of China Photographers Association,a member of Inner Mongolia Photographers Association,and a standing member of Chifeng Municipal Photographers Association. Mr. Ma Jun spent his spare time on the photography,and made continuous creation. He obtained a lot fromthe practice of photography. His works are strict in composition,flamboyant in light and shadow,and profound in meaning. The perception to nature and love to life are expressed through them. In recent years,a dozen of his works were published in China Photography,Digit Photography,Photographic Collection and Analysis and other papers or journals. Among them,the Nurturing,Heaven’s Prairie,Fishing Boat in Evening,and other works have obtained the prizes in the photographic competitions held in home and abroad.