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操驰;女,笔名艾霖,1962年出生,祖籍安徽,研究生学历,原空军中校。当代著名陶瓷艺术家。广州首届工艺美术大师。是法国美术家协会主席米歇尔·金第一位中国弟子;是陶瓷绘画作品在法国卢浮宫国际美术大展中获得金奖的第一位中国画家;是陶瓷绘画作品在澳门新濠江国际文化产业交易中心上市的第一位中国画家,组合产权资产包《瓷韵千秋》(代码1007)。发明的陶瓷没骨画技法,获得国家专利。 现任《中国诗画》副主编兼美术总监;财政部《财政文学》美术总监;中国文化产业工作委员会主任委员、陶瓷艺术专业委员会主任、北京大学、广东外语外贸大学客座教授;中国工艺美术协会理事、广东省工艺美术协会理事、广东省文化产业促进会理事;广东省工艺美术研究所研究员、广东东方彩墨艺术馆馆长。   作品先后在法国、加拿大、北京、上海、广州等地个展和参展30余次,获得21枚金奖,其作品先后被人民大会堂、中国驻法国大使馆、法国米勒故居博物馆、欧元之父蒙代尔先生、中央电视台、财政部、广东省博物馆、安徽省博物馆、中国乡土艺术协会、广州大佛寺等单位收藏。 合作机构:1、北京德美艺嘉文化产业有限公司 2、广州国鹏文化艺术有限公司 3、颐湖国际文化产业总部基地 Artist’s Introduction Cao Chi, female, aka Aileen, who was born in 1962, originally from Anhui Province. She has completed a post-graduate degree and formerly served the Air Force as a Lieutenant Colonel. She is well known as a modern ceramic artist and has won the Master of Arts and Crafts reward in Guangzhou. She is also the first Chinese student who learns from Michel King, the President of French Artists Association. Her ceramic painting won the gold reward in the International Art Exhibition in Le Louvre Museum, France. This is the first time that a Chinese Artist has won such prize in this Exhibition. Her ceramic painting work (in the form of a property combination called Ceramic Charm for Centuries, which code is 1007) has listed in the New Hou Kong International Cultural Industry Trading Center in Macao. Her invention of boneless ceramic painting has granted the national patent. She is now the deputy editor-in-chief and art director of the magazine <Chinese poetry and Painting>; the Chairman of China culture industry working committee; the Director of Ceramic art Committee;the art director of the magazine <Finance Literature> owned by the Ministry of Finance of China; the guest professor of Beijing University and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;
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