1943 台湾省台北县板桥镇出生
1957 就读成功初三时,借Aires Automat 120相机把弄,开始对摄影产兴趣
1958 高中时期参与学校「摄影社」,随同指导老师郑桑溪学习,四处拍照
1961 就读台大土木工程系时,不务课业,着迷于现代文学与超现实绘画阅读,
1961 并展开概念性与现代观的摄影创作
1997 国立台南艺术学院音像纪录研究所任教
2010《岁月‧风景 1959-2005》
2010《岁月印样 1959-1961》
2008《家园: 李楠摄影集》
2007《风景 安静 :曾敏雄摄影集》
2006《狗眼人生 :叶清芳创作回顾》
2002《乡愁‧记忆: 邓南光》
1997《看见原乡人: 台湾客家光影纪事》
1996《台湾摄影家群象》丛书(2):张才、李鸣鵰、林权助、梁正居、高重黎、吴忠维、 周庆辉等七册
1991《看见与告别 : 台湾摄影家九人意象》
1989《台湾摄影家群象》丛书(1): 邓南光、郑桑溪、张照堂、王信、侯聪慧、刘振祥 等六册
1977《生活笔记》(1977 / 78 / 79 / 80)
2014「银盐岁月 张照堂70-80\\\\\\\'s 摄影原作展」个展,也趣艺廊Aki Gallery, 台北
2013「岁月 / 照堂 : 1959-2013影像展」个展,台北市立美术馆
2012「潜越:台湾意象 1960-2005」个展,台湾书院,美国纽约
2011「光影镜头外」个展,市长官邸 ,台北
2010「岁月‧风景 1959-2005」摄影个展(中央大学、静宜大学、成功大学、高雄驳二艺术特区、花莲松园别馆、宜兰罗东图书馆、政治大学)
2010「岁月印样 1959-1961」个展,台湾国际视觉艺术中心,台北
2010「旅次‧风景 2005-2010」个展,莱卡艺廊,台北
2009「岁月‧一瞥」个展,Place Gallery,东京、Gallery Now、首尔
2008「省视 Introspectives 1960-2005」个展,圣‧安东尼国际中心,美国德州
2012「台湾脸书 - 用心生活」群展,台中
2012「2012台北双年展 :想象的死而复生 」群展,台北
2008「The Hidden 4 : 大邱国际摄影双年展」,韩国
2008「视线 Sightlines」展,墨西哥文化会馆,圣‧安东尼国际中心,美国德州
2008「快门‧开演: Ten Eyes on Stage」群展,新北市
2006「彼岸,看见 :台湾摄影20家(1928-2006)」群展,北京、上海
2006「风华再现 : 美而廉艺廊(1953-73)回顾展」群展,台北
2000「家园重见: 走过921影像报告」群展,台北
1997「看见原乡人: 台湾客家光影纪事」群展,台北
1997「创意的原点: 全球概念艺术展 1950s-1980s」群展,纽约
1994「中‧港‧台 当代摄影展」群展,香港艺术中心
1991「看见与告别 : 台湾摄影家九人意象展」群展,台北、旧金山
1971「V-10视觉艺术群 :《女》展」,台北
1965 发表「现代摄影双人展」(与郑桑溪),台北、基隆、高雄
2011 获颁行政院第三十届国家文化奖
1999 获颁文建会第三届国家文艺奖──「美术类」得奖人
1943 Born November 17 in Panchiao City, Taipei County, Taiwan
1957 As a student at Junior High School, he borrows an Aires Automat camera 120
1957 from his brother, and develops an interest in photography.
1958 When studying at Senior High School, he joins the school photography club under the
guidance of Chen Shang-Hsi, starts photographing in a wide variety of settings.
1961 Studies in the National Taiwan University Department of Civil Engineering.Instead of attending to his studies, he devotes himself to literature and art, becomes infatuated with surrealism and modernism,
both Asian and Western. Begins to engage in conceptual and modernist photography.
1965 Takes part in the joint exhibition “ 2 – Men Contemporary Photography ,” with his mentor
Cheng Shang-Hsi. His forms and content are innovative and original, inciting controversy and attention.
1968 Works as a photojournalist for the China Television (CTV) news department in Taipei; joins the production team of News Digest , creating a new style of news feature combining local Taiwanese settings,
folk customs and Western music.
1974 Holds the photo exhibition “The FarTewell,”
1997 Starts teaching at the Graduate Institute of Studies in Documentary and Film Archiving at Tainan National University of the Arts
2013 Time: The Images of Chang Chao - Tang, 1959-2013
2012 Taiwan Facebook – A Mindful Living
2012 To gaze and to look beyond – Eyes of Formosa
2012 Stage: Shen Chao-Liang(Editor)
2011 Ten Eyes on Stage
2010 The Invisible Contact 1959-1961
2010 Moments in Time 1959-2005
2008 Homeland – Li Nan
2008 Chang Chaotang (Korean Edition)
2007 Voice Inside – Tseng Miin-Shyong
2006 Life in a Dog’s Eyes – Ye Chienfan
2002 Nostalgia & Memory – Dan Nankeen
2001 Dancing in the Wind, Shinto
2000 The Homeland – After the 921 Earthquake, Taipei
2000 Faces of Taiwan – Liu Chen-Hsiang
1999 Working Hard in Taipei, Taipei
1998 Taipei – Pass away, Taipei
1997 Image of Hakka
1997 Women in Taipei 1940s-1990s
1996 Aspect & Vision – Taiwan Photographers (2) Seven Volumes
1993 Image of Cloud Gate Dance Group in 20 Years
1993 View on the Tamsui River in 50 Years
1991 Seeing – Perspectives of Nine Taiwaness Photographers
1989 Aspect & Vision – Taiwan Photographers (1) Six Volumes
1988 In search of Photorealism Photography 40s-60s (1)(2)
1977 Books of Days (1977 / 78 /79 / 80)
2014 Chang Chao-Tang 70-80’s Original Classic Photography Exhibition, AKI Gallery,Taipei, Taiwan
2013 Solo exhibition “Time: The Images of Chang Chao-Tang, 1959-2013,” Taipei Fine Art Museum
2012 Solo exhibition “Introspectives: Photographs of Taiwan 1960-2005,” Taiwan / Academy in N.Y.
2011 Solo exhibition “Introspectives: Photographs of Taiwan 1960-2005,” City of San Antonio International Center, Texas.
2011 Solo exhibition “Sightlines,” Instituto Cultural de Mexico, San Antonio, Texas
2011 Solo exhibition “Outside the Lens,” Gity Mayer Salon, Taipei
2011 Solo exhibition “Images - Journey beyond,” Leica Gallery, Taipei
2010 Solo exhibition “The Invisible Contact 1959-1961,” Tivac Gallery, Taipe
2010 Solo exhibition “Moments in Time 1959-2005,” National Central University, Chungli City; Providence University, Taichung; National Cheng Kung University,
2010 Tainan;The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung; Pine-garden Gallery, Hualien; Luo Dong Library, Yilan; National Chengchi University, Taipei
2009 Solo exhibition “Chang Chao Tang:A Black-and-White Flight in Kairos,” Gallery Now, Seoul
2009 Solo exhibition “Years In, Years Out,” Place Gallery, Tokyo
2009 Solo exhibition “Within, Without,” Epson Art Gallery, Taipei
1996 “Asian View: Asia in Transition,” Tokyo
1996 Solo exhibition “Summer of 1962,” Taipei
1996 Solo exhibition “Trip – Reverse,” Taipei and Tokyo
1983 Solo exhibition “Human Grace and Forgiveness,” Taipei and San Francisco
2008 “The Hidden 4: Daegu Photo Biennale,” Korea
2007 “Guangzhou Photo Biennial,” Guangdong and Shanghai
2006 “A Legend of Rose Marie Gallery 1953-1973,” Taipei
2006 “Retrospective: Taiwan Photography,” Beijing and Shanghai
2002 “V-10 / 30 Years After,” Taipei
2000 “The Homeland: After the 921 Earthquake,” Taipei
1999 \\\"Global Conceptualalism : Point of Origin, 1950s-1980s “, New York
1997 “Women in Taipei 1940s-1990s,” Taipei
1997 “Image of Hakka,” Taipei
1994 “Contemporary Photography from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan,” Hong Kong
1993 “50 Years of Tamsui River Views,” Taipei and Paris
1993 “20 Years of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre,” Taipei
1991 “Seeing-Perspectives of Nine Photographers,” Taipei
1980 Wins Golden Bell Award for TV cinematographer and editor of the year for “The Boat-Burning Festival,”; and Golden Horse Award for best documentary cinematographer for “An Old House – Chinese Traditional Architecture.”
2011 Receives the 30th National Cultural Award, ROC.
1999 Receives the Third National Award for Arts of Taiwan in the category of fine art.