性 别:男
籍 贯:江苏省
擅 长:国画
职 称:一级美术师
头 衔:国家一级美术师,江苏省美协理事、南京市美协副主席
学 历:本科
APilgrimage to Lhasa
文/吴涛 译文/古雨
Writtenby Wu Tao Translated by Penguin
Onour second visit to Tibet, we drove all the way, playing on and on the one andonly song “Back to Lhasa,” an immediate hit by the Chinese rock star Zheng Jun.The bold and rough voice is a perfect match to the desolate and vast landscape.When we finally arrived, we realized that it was no use trying to hold back ourfeelings as the mere sight of the magnificent Potala Palace moved us to tears.Ah! Potala, symbol of Tibet, a holy land that has stood for thousands of years!The sunshine is so pure and bright that it hurts your eyes; the sky is so azurethat it melts your heart; the air is so pure and refreshing that oxygen is thinand you can hear your heartbeat; the numerous colored prayer flags waving inthe wind carry so many wishes that your soul is purified. Such is Tibet, theclosest spot to heaven on the globe.
Tibetis one of Li Qiang’s favorite themes. He has always adored Tibetans and theirlifestyles: in the face of the extreme cold, vastness, poverty and hardships,they take everything lightly and embrace their faiths ardently. Moved by theirdevotion to Buddhism, Li Qiang started to sketch and paint to capture Tibetans’inner peace and tranquil bliss, in the most intense colors that he knew of. Thecolorswere so unorthodox and daring that most of hispeers were dubious about which genre or school his paintings fitted into.Unswayed, he has persisted till this day when he stands out and his paintingsare well received.
Asa lay Buddhist, Li Qiang integrates his religious belief with artisticcreation. The Tibetan series, a direct result of this combination of life andarts, can be interpreted as a tribute to noble characters and self-discipline.As we look at these pictures, we may realize that the clock stops ticking, thatthe light sneaks in and brightens everything in the lamasery, and that mysteryof light and shadows fades and perpetual serenity stays. It may occur to usthat the lifelong journey is rounded off by this brief moment of freeze-frameas it feels exactly like eternity.
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