朱友舟 1973年生,南京艺术学院美术学院教授,硕士研究生导师,美术学博士,中国书协会员,书法系副主任,2014-2016年加州大学访问学者。《艺术鉴藏》、《艺术中国》等期刊特约编辑。曾主持并完成省级课题《毛笔、笔工及书法创作》,并参与文化部课题《中国书法创作理论研究》,发表学术论文40余篇。
Zhu Youzhou born in 1973, is a professor and master supervisor of the Calligraphy Department of Schoolof Fine Arts, Nanjing University of the Arts, and a member of the ChineseCalligraphers Association; Zhu has obtained his doctoral degree in fine artswith his thesis winning the second prize in the 9th National CalligraphySymposium; so far he has published numerous works in National CalligraphyExhibitions and in art publications.